CLP Article 45 (4) – UFI-Code

May 2020

UFI – Unique Formula Identifier

What does it mean?

Poison centers play an important role in ensuring the safe use of chemicals and formulating preventive and curative measures in case of poisoning incidents. They provide medical advice to general consumers and physicians on health emergencies, arising from exposure to hazardous chemicals or to other toxic agents.

CLP Article 45(4): as per 20 January 2012 the Commission shall carry out a review to assess the possibility of harmonizing the information referred to in paragraph 1, including establishing a format for the submission of information by importers and downstream users to appointed bodies.

Furthermore, in the commission Regulation (EU) 2017/542 on harmonized information relating to emergency health response/CLP Annex VIII is stated:

  • Obligation for importers and downstream users placing hazardous mixtures on the market to notify national appointed bodies
  • Phased deadlines by 1 January
    • 2020 for consumer use
    • 2021 for professional use
    • 2024 for industrial use
    • 2025 for products having already been submitted before the three deadlines above (marks end of transition period)

Practically this means, that all mixtures classified as hazardous for human health or physical hazard have to be equipped with a UFI. The UFI is a unique code, which is integrated in the SDS and has to be printed on the label of the product. It will create an unambiguous link between a mixture placed on the market and the information on that specific mixture submitted to poison centres, so that the chemical formulation of the product can be precisely and rapidly identified. A precise identification is necessary to provide appropriate curative measures in the case of an emergency call. This requirement applies throughout the European Economic Area, which comprises 28 Member States of the EU and Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

We have to evaluate which Würth products will fall under the new CLP Annex VIII and also if they are classified as consumer or professional use within the respective country. This is very important since the deadline for consumer use items is set an earlier date than the one for professional use. Items, which have already been registered on a local level in the past, have to be equipped with a UFI as soon as there is a relevant change in classification of the product, but by 1 January 2025 at the latest. All new items have to be equipped with a UFI in accordance as per 2020 or 2021, depending on its defined use.

Additionally Würth (Product Management) has to assign to each of these products the corresponding packaging type and the uses.

As soon as 3E has gotten a UFI code from ECHA, the code will then be transmitted to Würth. Würth will then make sure that the code is placed on the labels and that these are submitted to the supplier. It is our goal not to have to scrap any labels while introducing the UFI and we will do our utmost to coordinate the project accordingly.


What is isi!!?

July 2020

Do you know the online tool isi!! Hazardous Substance Management?

It is fact that the regulatory requirements are increasing!

The large number of chemical products used by companies today requires detailed specialist knowledge of the regulations governing the respective applications as well as the provision and storage of hazardous substances.

In order to reduce the effort, Würth offers their end customers the isi!! Hazardous Substance Management system, a free innovative web-based service. So far, Würth is the only company in the market that offers such a system to its customers.

What can isi!! do?

Our online tool isi!! Hazardous Substance Management supports our customers efficiently in the necessary documentation of hazardous substances. Besides the administration and a monthly email notification of updates on safety data sheets (SDS), the system also provides operating instruction templates. Furthermore, the system allows in a simple way the maintenance of company-specific data, but also offers the opportunity to create workplace-related hazardous substance registers online.

What are the advantages from a customer perspective?

The online system isi!! Hazardous Substance Management provides our customers a high comfort! The system helps while implementing documentation processes and reduces administrative effort by providing relevant data into the system that comes in an already prepared form. Apart from these advantages this service has also been improved in regards to the mobility. The stored data can always be accessed online or offline via the isi!! App on a smartphone or tablet!

Please find all advantages at a glance below:

  • Saves time and money
  • Reduced administrative efforts
  • The customer can concentrate on their core business
  • Minimization of risk potentials
  • Protection of humans and the Environment

What are the advantages from the Würth perspective?

Below you will find the advantages of the isi!! Hazardous Substance Management system for you as a subsidiary. The advantages listed are based on ten years’ experience with the isi!! Hazardous Substance Management platform.

  • Customer retention and acquisition of customers
  • Securing and increasing sales in individual customer groups
  • Driving out the competition
  • CLOSE. CLOSER. WÜRTH = SERVICE LEADER!! Strengthening of the Würth brand and professional (other) perception by customers

Which subsidiaries already use isi!!?

  • W-AT
  • W-BE
  • W-DE
  • W-DK
  • W-FI
  • W-IE
  • W-IT
  • W-NL
  • W-PT
  • W-UK

IT requirements

WS1/SAP + Online Shop/Intershop

What else is needed for a successful isi!! go live in your subsidiary?

  • Check of national legislations in regards to the use of chemical products (visit of key accounts and check their requirements, contact the local authorities, consulting inquiry via 3E/knoell)
  • Definition of the functions
  • Translation of contents into your national language (if not already available)
  • Market introduction
  • Employee and sales rep trainings
  • Define marketing activities
  • Resources planning (project manager) and IT

Can isi!! be adjusted to national requirements?

Yes. Should additional functions or special documents be needed due to national requirements, it is possible to implement them locally after checking the requirements with the project team. Please note that this service will be invoiced separately.

What does isi!! cost? 

  • One-time costs for the implementation: EUR 9,000
  • Annual license and maintenance costs: EUR 6,740
  • Check of additional country-specific requirements, special documents — individually per requirement

Who are the contact persons at Würth?

  • Angela Graf (Email:; Phone: +41 81 558 01 13), Würth International AG
  • Antonio Sirufo (Email:; Phone: +49 7940 15 1946), Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG

June 2016

Every day our customers have to fight against different regulations when they are using chemical products in their daily business. Some years ago AWKG built up the perfect software to satisfy and assist their customers – the isi!! System. The isi!! System is for their customers and it helps them to create operating instructions, instructions of employees, risk assessment and much more. The isi!! System is the right puzzle piece to complete the dangerous goods management for your customers.

Below some benefits for your customers:

  • Fulfilment of legal requirements
  • Minimization of the hazard potential
  • Reduction of the administrative effort
  • Reduction of suppliers besides Würth
  • Reduction of processed costs
  • Concentration on your core business
  • Protection of people and the environment

Important to know is that each Würth subsidiary can get its own isi!! System based on the customers’ requirements.

Please read in the brochure below how the isi!! system works, the benefits of the system and what is required to introduce isi!! in your country.


CLP Regulation (EC) No.1272/2008

What does it mean?       

Mixtures which are placed on the market with the existing labeling before June 2015, 1st can be sold until June 2017, 1st. New produced goods have to be labeled according the new regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (new dangerous text and symbols).

What is it aimed at?

All substances have to be classified according to CLP from 1st  June 2010. From 1st June 2015 all mixtures have to be classified and labeled according to CLP/GHS.

Who is affected?    

  • CLP – Europa
  • GHS – worldwide

Cosmetics Regulation CE/1223-2009

What does it mean?             

The registration of each cosmetic product which is put on the market within the European Union must be carried out in the registration portal of the European Commission for cosmetic products (CPNP) no later than 10 July 2013. All new products market in the EU must be registered in before being placed on the market.

What is it aimed at?      

The intention of the regulation is to increase the security of the end user and to create a database for cosmetic products which are placed on the European market.

Who is affected?          

  • EU subsidiaries


Cosmetics – European Commission (


Supplier agreement

What does it mean?     

The supplier agreement is the contract that the Würth Group concludes with each chemical supplier. It sets out what 3E, Würth´s service provider, requires from suppliers and how much the service will cost.

What is it aimed at?

  • Improved database
  • Faster data delivery
  • Sensitising the supplier to Würth’s requirements right from the start

Who is affected?

  • Suppliers of chemical-technical products


The Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR, Regulation (EU) 528/2012)

What does it mean?

All biocidal products require an authorisation before they can be placed on the market, and the active substances contained in that biocidal product must be previously approved. There are, however, certain exceptions to this principle. For example, biocidal products containing active substances in the Review Programme can be made available on the market and used (subject to national laws) pending the final decision on the approval of the active substance (and up to 3 years after). Products containing new active substances that are still under assessment may also be allowed on the market where a provisional authorisation is granted.

The BPR aims to harmonise the market at Union level; simplify the approval of active substances and authorisation of biocidal products; and introduce timelines for Member State evaluations, opinion-forming and decision-making. It also promotes the reduction of animal testing by introducing mandatory data sharing obligations and encouraging the use of alternative testing methods.

As in the previous directive, the approval of active substances takes place at Union level and the subsequent authorisation of the biocidal products at Member State level. This authorisation can be extended to other Member States by mutual recognition. However, the new regulation also provides applicants with the possibility of a new type of authorisation at Union level (Union authorisation).

What is it aimed at?

The Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR, Regulation (EU) 528/2012) concerns the placing on the market and use of biocidal products, which are used to protect humans, animals, materials or articles against harmful organisms like pests or bacteria, by the action of the active substances contained in the biocidal product. This regulation aims to improve the functioning of the biocidal products market in the EU, while ensuring a high level of protection for humans and the environment.

What is the applicable deadline?

The text was adopted on May 22, 2012 and will be applicable from 1 September 2013, with a transitional period for certain provisions. It will repeal the Biocidal Products Directive (Directive 98/8/EC).

Biozidprodukte AWKG_19.06.2019


CLP Regulation Art. 39-42

What does it mean?          

The supplier ensures that its products will fulfill all the requirements of Regulation (EC) no. 1272/2008 (CLP Regulation). In particular, non-EU suppliers ensure that their only representative (OR) reports to the classification and labeling inventory in accordance with Article 39 of the delivered products in the EU Art. 39- 42 CLP regulation. This regulation affects only hazardous substances from >1 ton/year.

What is it aimed at?     

Manufacturers and importers are required to submit certain classification and labeling indications for substances they place on the market. They need to add this information in the ECHA classification and labeling inventory.

 Who is affected?        

  • Non-EU suppliers of chemical-technical products


REACH Regulation Art. 33 (1) (SVHC candidate list)

What does it mean?             

Very high substances in a concentration of >0.1% (w/w) which are listed in the candidate list must be eliminated/registered. The EU supplier warrants that the products supplied by him do not contain any substances on the candidate list in accordance with Article 59 (1, 10) of the REACH Regulation. Importers of articles can get information on the substances present in their articles and their concentration from actors up in their supply chain, such as article suppliers outside EU. Chemical products are checked by our service provider 3E after the candidate list has been updated. Würth Group suppliers will be contacted by the Würth Group and asked to replace the substance with another substance. In case a local chemical product is affected, we will contact the appropriate EU-subsidiary.

What is it aimed at?   

Substances which are included in a concentration of >0.1% (w/w) have to be registered.

 Who is affected?      

  • All suppliers




REACH Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006

What does it mean?

REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) is a regulation of the European Union implemented by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) based in Helsinki, Finland. The regulation was adopted to improve the protection of human health and the environment from the risks that can be posed by chemicals, while enhancing the competitiveness of the EU chemicals industry. In addition, it promotes alternative methods for the hazard assessment of substances in order to reduce the number of tests on animals.
The regulation entered into force on 1 June 2007.

Under the REACH regulation, the substances which are contained in the products of the suppliers have to be pre-registered or registered after the expiry of the transitional period, unless the substance is not exempted from registration.


What is it aimed at?          

Registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemicals.

Who is affected?

  • Suppliers of chemical-technical products

What is the applicable deadline?



Understanding REACH – ECHA (
