Category Archives: REACH Regulation Art. 33 (1) (SVHC candidate list)

SCIP database

The SCIP database

What does it mean?

The EU subsidiaries will be affected by a new EU legislation (SCIP database) which takes in force on January 5th, 2021. For a better understanding of this SCIP notification, please watch the video at the link below:

Who needs to notify to the SCIP database? (

The obligation to submit a SCIP notification covers all articles placed on the EU market containing a substance of very high concern on the Candidate List in a concentration above 0.1 % w/w.

Who is affected?

The following suppliers of articles need to provide information to ECHA:

  • EU producers and assemblers,
  • EU importers,
  • EU distributors of articles and other actors in the supply chain placing articles on the market.

A Würth EU subsidiary is a RETAILER if it purchases articles from EU suppliers, but as soon as it imports articles from outside of the EU – means from a non-EU supplier, it is an IMPORTER and due to this reason the EU subsidiaries must comply with the following legislation:

All EU Würth subsidiaries, which place articles containing SVHC’s (on the Candidate List) in a concentration above 0.1% w/w on the EU market have to notify the articles, which are purchased from a non-EU supplier, to ECHA from January 5th, 2021!

For further information please also reach ECHA’s report below:

Suppliers of articles – ECHA (

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: The SCIP regulation affects only your articles – no chemicals!

How do you know if an articles contains SVHC?

The EU subsidiaries and the Würth Group need to receive a confirmation from all article suppliers that the articles do not contain any SVHC substance in a concentration above 0.1% w/w.

Local articles

The subsidiary is responsible that they receive a confirmation from their local suppliers if any articles contain SVHC.

EU suppliers

If the supplier is situated in the EU, he is obliged, according to the legislation, to carry out the SCIP registration. The distributors (Würth EU subsidiaries) only need to ask the EU supplier for the SCIP registration number and then they can proceed with their own SCIP notification accordingly. In this case the EU subsidiary is a distributor and only a SCIP simplified notification is required. The notification can be carried out by the subsidiaries themselves. The Youtube video from ECHA in this link is very long but starting from the timestamp 1:39:51 till 1:41:56 the process that the subsidiary has to go through is explained very well (only 2 minutes).

Get ready to submit your SCIP notification (

If requested, we can also send you an E-Train from Würth Sweden. Please let us know in case you require an E-Train.

Important additional information:

  • There is no requirement to print SCIP numbers on the label. Companies need to ensure that the SCIP numbers are accurately linked to the article number. This will enable the waste operators or users of the articles to find the corresponding articles in the SCIP database.
  • No chemical products are affected by this law – only articles like screws, drills, lamps etc.

In case you have any further questions, please contact Daniela Harr ( at Würth International AG in Chur, Switzerland.


REACH Regulation Art. 33 (1) (SVHC candidate list)

What does it mean?             

Very high substances in a concentration of >0.1% (w/w) which are listed in the candidate list must be eliminated/registered. The EU supplier warrants that the products supplied by him do not contain any substances on the candidate list in accordance with Article 59 (1, 10) of the REACH Regulation. Importers of articles can get information on the substances present in their articles and their concentration from actors up in their supply chain, such as article suppliers outside EU. Chemical products are checked by our service provider 3E after the candidate list has been updated. Würth Group suppliers will be contacted by the Würth Group and asked to replace the substance with another substance. In case a local chemical product is affected, we will contact the appropriate EU-subsidiary.

What is it aimed at?   

Substances which are included in a concentration of >0.1% (w/w) have to be registered.

 Who is affected?      

  • All suppliers


